Boat Wash Boat Polish Kit, 5 litre Wash & Wax, 1 litre Boat Polish Maxi Wax
Boat Wash and Polish Kit contains 5 litres of Boat Wash and Wax also 1 litre of Boat Polish long life high gloss Wax, making it an ideal choice for protecting and preserving your boat in one convenient package. The Boat Wash and Wax is a unique blend of natural synthetic waxes and surfactants designed to clean and protect boat surfaces, while the Maxi Wax provides a brilliant shine and durable protection. Keep your boat looking great with CleanAWORX Boat Wash and Polish Kit.
Boat Wash Boat Polish Kit. Cleanaworx Boat Wash and Boat Polish. 5 Litre Boat Wash and Wax, 1 Litre Boat Polish. Cleanaworx Boat Wash and Boat Polish Kit, Clean and Protect your boat from the harsh environment Salt water, UV Sun Damage, Acid Rain, Droppings, Dirt, Dust, Grime, Continued use of these products will provide improved protection for your boat.
Price Includes GST.